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Welcome to the District 13 Web Site

Willamette River

Welcome! We are the Thirteenth District of the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary. This is one of the largest districts, in geographical area, covering four states in the Pacific Northwest: Washington, Oregon, Montana and Idaho. There are over 4,400 miles of shoreline from the mighty Pacific to lakes and navigable rivers. Our district is comprised of three sectors: Sector Puget Sound, Sector North Bend and Sector Columbia River. 

Our responsibility to the U.S. Coast Guard, our Marine partners, and the boating public is that we carry out our number one job: Recreational Boating Safety (RBS)! We must always remember that when we are in uniform, we are acting as a member of Team Coast Guard and we must conduct ourselves in a professional manner. Wear the uniform properly and with pride, whether in the presence of the Coast Guard, visiting a Marine partner, or interacting with the public. We must train and show our membership not only how to do their jobs, but the professional image we project out! Semper Paratus!   

District Commodore: COMO Dan Kienle  ~  District Chief of Staff: Craig Hartman

Our Mission is Recreational Boating Safety!

 Free Vessel Safety CheckBoating Safety Courses

 Life Jacket Info | Aids to Navigation

Our Four Cornerstones: Recreational Boating Safety, Operations and Marine Safety,                  Member Services, and Fellowship.

EXPLORE the Auxiliary and Team Coast Guard HERE.

Four Cornerstones







If found paddlecraft sticker 

ALL paddlecraft and small vessels should be marked with an 'IF FOUND' Sticker. This information can aid search and rescue crews in knowing who to look for if a kayak, canoe, board or row boat is found without a person. 

If you are not in distress and your paddlecraft or small vessel has accidentally gone adrift, the contact information on the stickers can free up crews for other cases and save valuable resources and time. 

Place the ID sticker in a conspicuous location on your vessel and fill out the information with a permanent waterproof marker. Make sure to include a second contact number of a person who would likely know your whereabouts.

You can obtain an 'IF FOUND' sticker free of charge, from your local United States Coast Guard Auxiliary, by emailing your NAME and ADDRESS to

Important Announcements and New Items

  • Food Service Opportunities and Classes HERE
  • District 13 Form HERE
  • Dues Matrix and Understanding Financial Responsibilities of Unit Commanders and Finance Officers. HERE on DSO-FN page.
  • District 13 Video view HERE

 Visit Us at the OFFICIAL Auxiliary District 13 FACEBOOK Page